Reference Guide
Kron PAM Logs
Session Logs

Viewing Command Logs

The Command Logs functionality allows Kron PAM to search for the commands executed in SSH/Telnet Proxy, SFTP Proxy, and SQL Proxy sessions, as well as keystrokes, file uploads, and file downloads, and texts that are captured by the OCR algorithm in RDP/VNC Proxy sessions. The difference between the Command Logs tab and the Session Logs tab is the listing method. Session logs are listed by sessions. Each line represents a session. In the Command Logs, users can search for a command and all the sessions that have this command will be listed. If a command is run in the session two times, two different lines will be shown in the Command Logs.

To search the Command Logs:

  1. Navigate to Logging > Session Logs.
  2. Open the Command Logs tab.
  3. Fill in the search filter and click the Search button.
Command Logs
Command Logs