Reference Guide
Single Connect Logs
Session Logs

RDP/VNC Proxy Session Records OCR and Search Functionality


Single Connect’s OCR functionality allows the search for keywords/commands in RDP/VNC session records. Users can search for any keywords/commands in the records and jump to the time that command was executed.

  1. Navigate to Logging > Session Logs.
  2. Enter the search filters.
  3. Click the Search button.
  4. Click the Options button of the desired RDP/VNC session to replay. a. To see the text captured via OCR during the session, select Show Details. b. To replay the session, select Play Session. c. The RDP session plays on the right pane of the screen. On the left pane there are two tabs; The first one is OCR: It scans the words in the images and converts them to text format. Authorized users can search for keywords/commands on the left pane and jump to the time in the recording. Captured keywords are also listed under the OCR tab. d. The Key Logger tab captures the keystrokes. It has a search functionality, which also allows for users to jump to the exact moment in the video recording.
OCR Functionality to search in the video recording
OCR Functionality to search in the video recording