Desktop Client for Windows Use...
Configuring a Server
Follow the steps below to configure a server to connect to:
- Open the Kron PAM Desktop Client, click Connections on the Login screen, and then Add. This is also the page where you’ll land if this is the first time you use the Desktop Client.
- The Add Server window opens. Configure Kron PAM server settings:
- Enter Kron PAM’s server IP in the Address.
- Change the Port value according to the server type. For Kron PAM servers with HTTP web GUI, the port should be 80. For HTTPS web GUI, the port is 443, and make sure to toggle the Use SSL option on.
- (Optional) Toggle the Make Default Connection on if you want this server selected by default in the Login screen.
Configure the server settings
Click Save
- Click Save. After you add the server successfully, it will show in the servers list. Click Return to go back to the Login screen.
Server is added successfully