Reference Guide
Shared Accounts Password Manag...
SAPM Notification Settings

SAPM Mail List Notifications


An email list can be defined for each Device Group, to receive notifications when:

  • A user retrieves a password for a SAPM account.
  • A Password Reset Failed error occurs during the SAPM account password reset.
  • The password cannot be verified during the periodic check of a SAPM account, due to a Password Check Problem error.
  • A new user is detected on a device with an SAPM account (The new user detection feature depends on the configuration. It can be disabled for specific accounts).

To setup the email list to receive these notifications:

  1. Navigate to Device Management > Device Groups.
  2. Right-click the device group containing the device of interest and select Show Properties.
Device Group Properties
Device Group Properties

  • On the Device Group Properties Information screen, select sapmMailList as the Property Key, enter the email address as the value, and click Save.
The “sapmMailList” Property in the Device Group Properties
The “sapmMailList” Property in the Device Group Properties