Reference Guide
Monitoring & Alarms
The alarms screen shows all alarms created. On the left side, a pie chart summarizes all alarms by severity. In the main grid, the alarms are listed in detail.
Alarms Screen
The alarms are filtered based on their severities by clicking a different part of the chart. The icon to the left side of the Filter enables the user to download all the alarm data as a .csv file.
Downloading Alarm Data as csv File
By clicking the All Alarms button on the top right side, all alarms (including closed ones) can be listed.
- Status (Open, Close)
- Severity (All, Critical, Major, Minor)
- Instance Name
- Instance IP
- Type
- Time Filter
Search Filter for Alarms
The bottom pane of the screen will show the two bulk operations available after the user (multi)selects the alarms:
Bulk Operations in the Alarms Screen
- Send email: Force outlook to open; Fill subject and body of the email window and keep destination blank. The body of the email includes the alarm information (complete row). The subject includes the alarm message.
- Clear alarm: It changes the status of the alarm manually. The alarm status is changed to Close when clicking this button.
Emailing Selected Alarms