Reference Guide
Password Vault
Managing Application-to-Applic...

Requesting Passwords from AAPM


The Single Connect AAPM RESTful API should be used to request passwords. Each AAPM account must authenticate itself using its token, revealed after the account creation. AAPM account tokens can also be displayed on the AAPM Management page.

AAPM Account Token
AAPM Account Token

RESTful API parameters used for AAPM password checkout:

  • token: The AAPM Account token.
  • passwordExpirationInMinute: Password expiration time Possible values are taken from the β€œ” property in the System Config. Man. screen. If it is not defined, the possible values are taken from the β€œ” property. The default value is β€œ5m,30m,2h,24h”. Options are separated with commas (β€œ,”), β€œm” stands for minutes, and β€œh” stands for hours.
  • comment: The password request comment.
  • passwordChangeRequired: Optional parameter with the default value set as false. If true, the password is changed before retrieval, otherwise the password is changed after retrieval.
  • SapmAccountPath: The SAPM account path of the linked SAPM Account.
  • SapmAccountName: The SAPM account name of the linked SAPM Account.
  • responseType: By default, it is the default response type (plain text for dynamic accounts). This value can also be set as β€œJSON” to receive the responses in JSON.
  • pin: The PIN code sent to the application for PIN authentication.

AAPM RESTful API Request Example

The first request:

http://single_connect_url:8080 /sc-aapm-ui/rest/aapm/password?passwordExpirationInMinute=30&comment=COMMENT&token=c5838228-61ec-4b47-b72d-af0321db24b7&sapmAccountPath=/test&sapmAccountName=test&responseType=JSON

The second request (which is applicable for all Security Levels that require PIN authentication):


AAPM RESTful API Response Example

x5#OKLE5 (the password)