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Checking the Current OS Version and Host


Use the following command to get the current OS version and host-related information.

[root@kronpam~]# hostnamectl Static hostname: vm-centos7.krontech Icon name: computer-vm Chassis: vm Machine ID: 3e0b22946bb24549aaa4be57897679f8 Boot ID: 5355453e63b14d4eb77211658b488b1f Virtualization: kvm Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 Architecture: x86-64

Use the following command to get build info of the installed OS.

[root@kronpam~]# uname -a

Linux vm-centos7.krontech 3.10.0-1062.9.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Dec 6 15:49:49 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux