Reference Guide
Kron PAM Remote Access

Remote Access Configuration in Kron PAM

Remote Access Configuration is the page where administrators can set the working hours of vendors in Kron PAM.

Before making configurations, you need to add the cloud server name and allow access from the cloud server to Kron PAM.

Add the cloud server name for the link attached to the email:

  1. Navigate to Administration > System Config Man
  2. Set the following parameter as the Remote Access Portal (cloud server) address and Save:

Parameter Name

Default Parameter Value



This parameter defines the Remote Access Portal address.

Then allow access from the cloud server to Kron PAM.

  1. Edit the Tomcat CORS file with the cloud url in the web.xml file. a. Open the web.xml. vi /u01/netright-tomcat/conf/web.xml b. Fill the CORS allowed origins field. i. Example; <param-name></param-name> <param-name></param-name>
Document image

After creating the invitation for the vendor, you can edit and delete the request by clicking the options button to the right of the request.

Document image

Admins can verify the details of the request by clicking on the request.

Document image

To invite a vendor:

  1. Navigate to Users > Remote Access Configuration
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Fill in the username/group and device/group and click NEXT.
Select Username/Group and Device/Group
Select Username/Group and Device/Group

  • Fill in the start and end times and select the days.
Document image

Administrators can also set specific working hours for vendors by enabling Set Time By Day.

Document image

  • Click the Save button.

Vendors receive an email with a URL and a passcode. When the working time starts, vendors can click on the URL, enter their password first, enter the Kron PAM user password and start working.

Mail Example for invitation
Mail Example for invitation