Reference Guide
RDP Proxy
RDP Session Settings

OCR Logs Configuration


OCR log can be disabled/enabled for remote applications and devices. Below is the workflow of this functionality.

OCR Workflow
OCR Workflow

Disable for a Remote Application:  

  1. Log in to the Kron PAM Web GUI.
  2. Navigate to Devices > Inventory > Device Groups.
  3. Choose the desired Device Group and select Remote Apps.
  4. Set the Disable OCR box.
  5. Now OCR Logs generated from the RDP session are disabled for the Remote App.
Disable OCR for a Remote App
Disable OCR for a Remote App

Disable for a Device: 

  1. Log in to the Kron PAM Web GUI.
  2. Navigate to the Devices > Inventory.
  3. Click the desired Device Group and device then select Edit Device.
  4. Add isEnabledOcrForDevice as a parameter with the value False from Custom Properties.
  5. Now OCR Logs generated from the RDP session are disabled for the device.