Reference Guide
Monitoring & Alarms
Alarm Configuration

Email Notifications Configuration


In this tab, the existing alarm email notifications can be edited by clicking the notification name.

New notifications can be added using the Add button on the top right corner.

Email Notification Tab
Email Notification Tab

An email notification profile can be created by filling up the following fields:

  • Name: Name of the email notification profile.
  • Type: Required monitored element type. Multiple selections are possible.
  • Email address: The target email address. Multiple email addresses can be added.
  • Email Subject: Subject of the email. By default, the screen displays the following data:

Kron PAM Alarm Notification %SEVERITY% - %MONITORED_ELEMENT% - %VALUE% - %INSTANCE_NAME% - %INSTANCE_IP% This email subject information can be edited by the user dynamically.

  • Email introduction text: Body of the email. By default, the screen displays the following data: Please check the following alarm: Type: %MONITORED_ELEMENT% Severity: %SEVERITY% Value: %VALUE% Instance Name: %INSTANCE_NAME% Instance IP: %INSTANCE_IP%