Reference Guide
Cloud PAM
Importing Devices from the Goo...

Configuring Element Types

Define the Element Type properties shown below, so that Kron PAM can identify the OS of the discovered instances:

  1. Navigate to Device Management > Element Type.
  2. Click the Options button of the related element type and click Show Properties.
  3. Set the device.import.gcp.element.type.pattern,, and device.import.gcp.ssh.username properties.
Element Type Properties
Element Type Properties

Parameter Name

Parameter Value

Mandatory. This property is used to determine the default access method for the discovered instances.


Mandatory. The pattern can be defined as multiple in one element. This pattern is checked against the “Image” description of the instance in order to determine the OS type.


Mandatory for logging in. Not required for device import. This username is used as the default login credential.


Optional. Devices are imported with the defined port number value. If this value is not set, a default port number is used, such as 22 for SSH.

Defining a new Element Type for each OS type is required, in order for Kron PAM to autodetect devices. Ex: CentOS Linux, Ubuntu Linux, etc.