VMWare Instance Backup and Restore Procedure
This procedure requires shutting down the VMware instance. Complete all active operations on the device to be switched off.
Execute the following commands on the node if the database replication has been activated.
- Check the SymmetricDS replication status: [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service status
- Stop the SymmetricDS replication: [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service stop
- Stop services:
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop kron_tacacs
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop radiusd
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop guacd
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop netright-tomcat
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop mobile-tomcat
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop nssoapp
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop sftp_prox
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop sqlprox
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop http_prox
[root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop ppas-9.5
- Stop the VMWare Instance.
[root@kronpam~]# shutdown now
- Export the VMware Instance.
- Open VMware vSphere Client and navigate to File > Export > Export OVF Template.
Since the license file is generated specifically for each instance, the new license file should be applied after the restoration procedure. Please contact with Krontech Support team to provide the new license file.
Before restoring VMware Instance, stop database replication.
Execute the following commands only on the node where the restore operation is performed.
- Check the SymmetricDS replication status. [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service status
- Stop SymmetricDS replication. [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service stop
- Open the VMware vSphere Client and navigate to File > Deploy OVF Template.
- Select the backed-up OVA file.
- Complete the steps and click the Finish button. Then, start the VMware instance. All applications start automatically.
When you access the web interface after turning on the VMware instance, a License File notification appears.
- Click the Add New License File button and upload the license file.
- Log in to Kron PAM CLI and restart the netright-tomcat service. [root@kronpam~]# systemctl restart netright-tomcat