Installation Guides
DB Backup and Restore Procedur...

Filesystem Backup and Restore


Prerequisite This procedure requires stopping applications. Complete all active operations on the instance.

Stopping Database Replication

Execute the following commands only on the node where the backup/restore operation is performed.

  1. Check SymmetricDS replication status. [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service status
  2. Stop SymmetricDS replication. [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service stop 

Stopping Services

  1. Stop Kron PAM module services. [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop kron_tacacs [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop radiusd [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop guacd [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop netright-tomcat [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop mobile-tomcat [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop nssoapp [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop sftp_prox [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop sqlprox [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop http_prox [root@kronpam~]# systemctl stop ppas-9.5

Backing up Filesystem

Prerequisite: Check once again that you have enough disk space for backup. 

  1. Execute the commands described below with the root user. [root@kronpam~]# cd / [root@kronpam~]# TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d_%H%M` [root@kronpam~]# tar -cvpzf backup_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz --exclude=/backup_$TIMESTAMP.tar.gz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/media --exclude=/mnt

Restoring Filesystem

During the restoration, backup files will overwrite the existing files.

  1. Execute the commands described below with the root user. [root@kronpam~]# cd / [root@kronpam~]# tar -xvpzf /backup.tar.gz -C /
  2. Once extraction is complete, recreate directories that were not included in the original archive. [root@singleconnect~]# mkdir /proc /lost+found /media /mnt

After Backup Operations

Execute the commands in the 3rd and 4th steps only on the node where the backup operation is performed.

  1. Start services. [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start kron_tacacs [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start radiusd [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start guacd [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start netright-tomcat [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start mobile-tomcat [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start nssoapp [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start sftp_prox [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start sqlprox [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start http_prox [root@kronpam~]# systemctl start ppas-9.5
  2. Start database replication.
  3. Check SymmetricDS replication status. [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service status.
  4. Stop SymmetricDS replication. [root@kronpam~]# /u01/sym/symmetric-server-3.10.5/bin/sym_service status