How-To Guides
Reporting Guides
Create Your Own Report with Re...

Creating a Filter Box


This is the ninth step of creating your own report with the Reporting module.

In this section, you will learn how to add a filter to your dashboard. Specifically, we will create a filter that allows us to look at those flights that depart from a particular country.

  1. Create a filter box visualization as any other visualization:
    1. Select New > Chart and then tutorial_flights as the datasource and Filter Box as the visualization type.
  2. Set the time filters:
    1. First of all, in the Time section, remove the filter from the Time Range selection by selecting No filter.
  3. Define the Filters Configurations:
    1. First, Filters Configurations section, add a new filter by selecting the plus sign and then edit the newly created filter by selecting the pencil icon.
    2. For our use case, it makes most sense to present a list of countries in alphabetical order. First, enter the column as Origin Country and keep all other options the same and then select Run Query. This gives us a preview of our filter.
    3. Next, remove the date filter by unchecking the Date Filter checkbox.
  4. Finally, select Save, name the chart as Tutorial Filter, add the chart to our existing Tutorial Dashboard and then Save & go to dashboard. Once on the Dashboard, try using the filter to show only those flights that departed from the United Kingdom – you will see the filter is applied to all of the other visualizations on the dashboard.