KRON PAM API Collection v3.6.0
User Management

List Current Session User's Groups


Request Overview

The List Current Session User's Groups method is used to retrieve the groups associated with the current session's user in the KRON PAM system.


The response will return a JSON object with the following key fields:

  • id: The unique identifier of the group.

  • eid: The external identifier of the group.

  • description: A brief description of the group.

  • users: A list of users within the group.

  • managers: A list of managers within the group.

  • realms: Associated realms of the group.

  • properties: Additional properties related to the group.

  • otpEnabled: Indicates if OTP is enabled for the group.

  • rdpProxyEnabled: Indicates if RDP proxy is enabled.

  • sqlProxyEnabled: Indicates if SQL proxy is enabled.

  • approvalRequired: Indicates if approval is required for actions within the group.

  • systemGroup: Indicates if the group is a system group.

  • externalDirectorySources: Indicates if external directory sources are used.

This method is essential for managing user permissions and roles within the KRON PAM system.

Header Parameters
Path Parameters
List Current Session User's Groups